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Dispose RX - Solving the problem of drug disposal

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DisposeRx Direct is your source for medication disposal solutions. DisposeRx packets are available in multiple quantities to meet patients' medication disposal needs within the home--one prescription at a time.

And we now also offer Rx Destroyer products for organizations that need to dispose of large quantities of medications, such as long-term care facilities or hospitals.

We encourage you to remove the risks associated with unused medications promptly and properly. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at orders@disposerxdirect.com if you have questions.



DisposeRx At-home Medication Disposal

SaferLock and DisposeRx Medication Storage and Disposal Kit THUMBNAIL
Safe Medication Storage and Disposal Kit
DisposeRx - 100 Packets THUMBNAIL
100-count box (single-use packets)
DisposeRx - 100 Premium Packets THUMBNAIL
100-count box (single-use packets)
DisposeRx - 1200 Packets THUMBNAIL
1,200-count shipper (12 x 100-count boxes; single use packets)

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Your participation will help DisposeRx in its mission to eradicate the misuse of unused medications.

*Discounts and coupons may apply to MSRP unless otherwise specified.

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